Where wind turbines are installed

Wind turbines can be installed on most properties, on buildings, around park and sports grounds, along roads and rail tracks, farms and mines even on boats, or caravans. Installing wind turbines to work effectively depends entirely on what the available average wind speed is in a particular area. To establish the average wind speed in an area records of the Metrological Department are researched, the available data then provides an historical indication of the area’s wind potential, this is endorsed by taking direct readings at the proposed site. This is done very economically using an anemometer to measure wind energy at the proposed site.

Power predictor
An anemometer

For a wind turbine installation to be worthwhile the average annual wind speed should generally be above 5m/s (18kmh or 11.18 mph). Ideal locations for wind turbines are basically anywhere there will be clear constant air. Surrounding buildings, trees and some vegetation can affect the wind turbine by creating windbreaks. For this reason wind turbines are mounted on high rise buildings and tall towers or poles to produce the best results. Global NRG can provide full site evaluation for installing hybrid lighting, wind turbines and NRG Economizer systems.

The Home and small business market


In the case of households and small businesses, which are already connected to the grid, installation of a wind turbine on the roof, against a wall or on a ground mounted pole, can generate a considerable amount of electric power to power both the home and to feed excess power into the grid. It is possible to eliminate the need to draw power from the grid. Global NRG has wind turbines units installed in Europe, UK, Canada, USA, South America, Africa, China and a large number of island nations.

Installation of NRG wind turbines and an NRG Economizer system assists in reducing peak power demand, which is a major problem for electricity generator and distributors. Wind turbines backed with our NRG Economizer energy storage units, are designed to supply power at peak times from a storage unit, and use power from the wind turbines working 24/7 when wind is available, to recharge the energy storage unit and to power the home or business. The wind will always be blowing sufficiently strong enough one area or another to cause a turbine to generate. Using high volume energy storage units and bring them into play provides a backup power source and smoothes out wind variances. The NRG energy storage units can last for up to 25 years before needing replacement making them and wind turbines cost effective in producing renewable energy.                                    .

Global NRG subsidiary Green Gold NRG Ltd, will install wind turbines for free based on a power savings share agreement subject to creditworthiness. Global NRG has even developed a way for people who live in apartments, or working in high rise offices that have nowhere to mount a wind turbine, or rent accommodation or office space to also be able to make substantial savings off their electricity accounts built around wind turbines.                              .

People are very sensitive about electricity prices just as they are about fuel prices, so it’s only natural that they want look at affordable ways of reducing their power bills.

An on grid wind turbine system without battery pack

Micro Wind Farms

“Micro Wind Farms” is a name Global NRG has given to matrixes made up of multiple turbines installed on high rise and factory building roofs, municipal, school and public buildings and grounds, around sports grounds, railways and other suitable sites that can then cumulatively produce a significant amount of renewable energy. Because they are smaller versions of a wind farm we called them a wind garden.


They are changing the electricity market in UK, Canada, USA and parts of Europe and China. Many Governments are subsidizing their installation by as much as 30% of their cost, because of their valuable contribution to the renewable energy market.



A five blade 10 KW NRG wind turbine suitable
for high rise roofs or around parks and schools

By assembling a number of “micro wind farms” into an aggregated system, it is possible to generate the same amount of power as a medium size power station of up to 180 MW.

For every new building going up there are over 2,000 existing buildings that can be targeted. There are literally tens of thousands of schools, parks, sport stadiums, universities, railway stations and tracks, etc that are suitable sites for accommodating “wind gardens”.


Producing large amounts of renewable energy from aggregation

The potential amount of renewable energy that matrixes of “Micro wind farms” can generate is almost unlimited, and is according to both the USA and Chinese Governments one of the most realistic ways of expanding the amount of renewable energy that is needed.               .

A matrix of 1,000 “micro wind farms” located on buildings or parks, gardens, sports grounds, schools farms etc., for example each accommodating a “micro wind farm” of 6 X 50 KW wind turbines installed on their roofs or grounds, and working only at a 30% load factor, will generate the same amount of power as a 90 MW power station, yet cost only 60% of what it would cost to build a new 90 MW power station and taking only 1/3 of the time to accomplish.


As few as 230 schools or parks can produce 20MW of wind power.

The buildings, schools, parks etc already exist, their connections to the grid are in place and it needs no upgrading. In every instant there are potential customers for the power generated already on or near the site on which the micro wind turbines are sited. Micro wind farms need no coal, no gas, no uranium, and no sun to fuel them. They emit only a small amount of CO
2 and no GHG, they need no large operational staff, virtually no onsite labor, no water for cooling, emit no smoke and the wind is free.

Efficient Renewable energy at an affordable price

Micro wind farms are more efficient than large wind farms at supplying constant load to the grid because they are spread over a wider geographical area, whereas the wind may not be blowing at any one time in one part of an area, it will blowing in another part of the area, with the result that the aggregated supply of renewable to the grid is more constant and is able to better support base load to a more positive factor. When backed by biowaste gasification power generation the load is constant.                                 .                                 

Global NRG simultaneously builds WTE power plants near the micro wind farm using MSW, wood waste and agricultural waste as feedstock to generate renewable energy via biowaste gasification, which is used to backup any power dips that occur due to wind variances. In cases where Global NRG receives the gate fee normally paid to send waste to landfill, the waste we use as fuel, is equivalent to a coal mine or gas company paying a power station to take its coal. It makes it possible to produce renewable electricity for less than US$0.02¢/KWh.


The WTE plants used to back the wind power are predominately biowaste gasification plants turning the biowaste into syngas, which in turn fuels internal combustion engines coupled to alternators(gensets) generating electricity.


When the wind power drops a number of gensets are brought online to make up the power differential, thus maintaining a constant load able to support the grid and customers of the wind power. At other times it is generating syngas for sale to the local market.


Global NRG Energy Storage

By its nature wind is a variable resource that isn’t so easy to integrate with the grid in large quantities. The wind blows when it will and generally picks up at night, while electricity demand peaks during the day. These basics have profound implications for the economics of wind energy. In today’s volatile energy markets, wind energy producers can find themselves sometimes having to pay to sell their power, or suddenly curtailed as a result of transmission congestion or other factors.


Energy storage is the missing piece of the puzzle for a green, affordable, and reliable electric grid for the 21st century, CAES is an enabling technology for efforts to provide cleaner, renewable power, fight climate change and move the nation toward energy independence.


Global Energy has developed a number of Energy Storage technologies. These are used to store off peak or surplus power from the wind turbines and other generation when consumer demand is low, and spare power from the back-up generators. The types of energy storage we use are VRB, hydro and CAES storage units, capable of storing a few KW up to multiple MW.


A grid tie system                                            Charge controller


A Global NRG biowaste gasification plant and a bank of 8  gensets in Kenya

